How long after I travel on a toll road will I receive a toll receipt through my NextPass account?
Once the payment is successfully charged to your credit or debit card, you will receive a toll receipt by email. Typically, this charge occurs within 1 or 2 business days after the date of your trip. However, please be aware that toll road operators may have varying timeframes for processing toll transactions, which can affect the receipt issuance. In certain cases, it may take up to 45 days for you to receive the toll receipt by email.
We appreciate your understanding and assure you that we strive to provide prompt and accurate receipts for your toll transactions.
Items in this category
- Can I setup different payment methods for different types of vehicles (rental vs personal) on my account?
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- My credit or debit card has been stolen or lost. Should I add a new one to my account? What happens if I can’t add a new one yet?
- Will I receive payment notifications?

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