I see a Correction in my Tolls or Payment tab, what does this mean?
It means there might have been an error in a previous trip charge. Corrections can either increase or decrease the toll amount.
For more details, simply click on the Correction in the Tolls or Payments tab to view the specifics. Stay informed and ensure accurate charges with NextPass.
Items in this category
- Can I setup different payment methods for different types of vehicles (rental vs personal) on my account?
- I received a notification that I have a credit in my NextPass account. How do I redeem my credit?
- I received a credit in my NextPass rewards wallet. What can I use my credit on?
- Can I use a card that trades in foreign currency?
- Can I use a prepaid card?
- My credit or debit card has been stolen or lost. Should I add a new one to my account? What happens if I can’t add a new one yet?
- Will I receive payment notifications?

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We’re happy to answer any questions.