How are toll prices determined?
Toll agencies determine prices based on various factors, including vehicle type, distance traveled, and maximum toll prices for dynamic tolling facilities.
- Transportation Authority Rates: The primary component of toll prices is set by the relevant Transportation Authority for each toll road, bridge, or tunnel. NextPass does not control these base rates.
- Vehicle Type: Toll rates often vary based on the type and size of the vehicle. NextPass typically calculates tolls for standard passenger vehicles, but rates may be higher for larger vehicles or those with more axles.
- Time of Day: Some toll facilities implement dynamic pricing, where rates may be higher during peak traffic hours and lower during off-peak times.
- Distance Traveled: On some toll roads, the price is calculated based on the distance traveled rather than a flat rate.
- Payment Method: While NextPass itself is an electronic payment method, the displayed toll rates may differ from those posted on road signs, as some Transportation Authorities offer discounts for electronic toll collection.
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